Self-disgust as a potential mechanism underlying the association between body image disturbance and suicidal thoughts and behaviours

Kamila Irvine has had a talk and two posters accepted for presentation at the Appearance Matters conference happening in June in Bristol: The talk “Breaking rule #1: talking about fat club. A qualitative study exploring adults’ experiences of attending weight management programmes as children” with co-author Josie Binder (graduated 2022).

The poster “Self-disgust as a potential mechanism underlying the association between body image disturbance and suicidal thoughts and behaviours” is based on a paper published by Kamila, Umair Akram, Jodie Stevenson, and colleagues in the Journal of Affective Disorders:

The poster “Body image and eating disorder symptomatology in transgender and non-binary communities; a mixed method study” with co-author Parker Carter (graduated 2023).