16.04.24: Amanda Roberts gave a presentation and poster at the Alberta Gambling Research Institute Conference 2024: Trends & Challenges in Gambling Research, in Banff Canada on 12th April 2024. Her talk was titled: Gambling and Suicide: A Psychological Autopsy. She won best poster at the conference on the same topic….Continue Reading Gambling and Suicide: A Psychological Autopsy
Evaluating the effectiveness of trauma-informed care training delivered to staff in community Older Adult Mental Health Services
Dr Katie Russell (DClinPsy graduate) has published a paper with Nima and colleagues: Russell, K., Moghaddam, N., Tickle, A., Campion, G., Cobley, C., Page, S. and Langthorne, P. (2024), “Evaluating the effectiveness of trauma-informed care training delivered to staff in community Older Adult Mental Health Services”, Mental Health Review Journal, https://doi.org/10.1108/MHRJ-07-2023-0037…Continue Reading Evaluating the effectiveness of trauma-informed care training delivered to staff in community Older Adult Mental Health Services
A Systematic Quality Review of Single Case Experimental Designs Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Adult Clinical Populations
Safia Luck (DClinPsy trainee), Nima, and Dave have published a new paper: Luck, S. A. M., Golijani-Moghaddam, N., & Dawson, D. L. (2024). A Systematic Quality Review of Single Case Experimental Designs Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Adult Clinical Populations. Behavior Therapy. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.beth.2024.01.008…Continue Reading A Systematic Quality Review of Single Case Experimental Designs Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in Adult Clinical Populations
Nima and Dave’s work on SMART cognitive training for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment features in the latest edition of the Alzheimer’s Society magazine (Dementia together)
https://www.alzheimers.org.uk/get-support/publications-and-factsheets/dementia-together/dementia-researchers-need-volunteers-human-solutions…Continue Reading Nima and Dave’s work on SMART cognitive training for people with Mild Cognitive Impairment features in the latest edition of the Alzheimer’s Society magazine (Dementia together)
Psychological treatments for psychological distress in dementia with emphasis on acceptance and commitment therapy: A critical perspective
Dr Amie Robinson (DClinPsy graduate) has published a paper with Nima: Robinson, A., & Moghaddam, N. (2023). Psychological treatments for psychological distress in dementia with emphasis on acceptance and commitment therapy: A critical perspective. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. https://doi.org/10.1002/capr.12722…Continue Reading Psychological treatments for psychological distress in dementia with emphasis on acceptance and commitment therapy: A critical perspective
Psychological Journey and the Impact of Psychological Tools in the Context of Living With a Brain Tumour
Michael Baliousis attended a significant patient event in Nottingham as a key speaker, focusing on the psychological journey and the impact of psychological tools in the context of living with a brain tumour. The event, organised by brainstrust, brought together a diverse group of experts including top clinicians, biomedical scientists, and academics. They collectively shared…Continue Reading Psychological Journey and the Impact of Psychological Tools in the Context of Living With a Brain Tumour
Creating Space for the Affective Dimensions of Physical Activity in Old Age
This public lecture was given by Professor Cassie Phoenix, Director of the Moving Bodies Lab, Durham University Discovery Research Platform for Medical Humanities (funded by the Wellcome Trust). Cassie’s lecture highlighted the complexities associated in engaging with physical activity. Cassie briefly outlined some of the common challenges reported by older adults which hinder their engagement…Continue Reading Creating Space for the Affective Dimensions of Physical Activity in Old Age
Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Adults with Haematological Cancer under Watch-and-Wait: A Qualitative Study
Dr Katie Russell (DClinPsy graduate) has published a paper with Nima and colleagues: Russell, K., Tickle, A., Moghaddam, N. & Biswas, S. (2023). Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Adults with Haematological Cancer under Watch-and-Wait: A Qualitative Study. European Journal of Cancer Care, https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/6653645…Continue Reading Exploring the Psychosocial Needs of Adults with Haematological Cancer under Watch-and-Wait: A Qualitative Study